Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Listen to the 2nd Community Organizing call to Inspired Action

Here is our second community organizing call to inspired action. Listen and see what we came up with on this call and what we got done, and how you can contribute. click the Play button below to listen...

Peace and Blessings,

Mike & Peter

P.S. Our next community organizing call # 3 will be coming up within the next week. We will let you know when we have a date for that and how to call in and join us.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

New report , Khasim is not doing well and getting weaker

Hello friends,

We received some new information about Khasim today that he is not doing well and gettting weaker and sleeping a lot.  We really need to get him moved and treated as soon as possible.  Please help us do this.  Please!!!

Thank you for all your support,

Peace and Blessings,

Peter and Mike

P.S. You can contribute by making a financial donation below, or through finding out new information that we don't know about, or by praying for Khasim, or by sharing this with you friends and networks.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Khasim, Peter, and Mike talking and Khasim saying hello

Hello friends, family, and community,

We wanted to post something so you could hear directly from Khasim and hear his voice and how he is doing, so we got him on the phone from Dominica.  This is Khasim, Peter, and Mike talking about how he is doing and feeling.  Click play below to listen...

We will keep you posted and get Khasim on another call soon.

Peace and Blessings,

Mike and Peter

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You are Invited to Upcoming Community Phone Conference Call for taking Inspired Action

Hello friends, family, and community,

You are invited to join our next community conference call.

Day/Date:  Monday, Sept. 27th

Time:  9PM EST - New York    ( 6PM PST - Los Angeles)

Location: phone, call in to  605-715-4900 enter access code: 269251
This will be the second organizing Community call for Inspired Action to get Khasim medical transport and treatment for an illness he that struck him about one month ago. He is living in the Island of Dominica and needs transport to the Island of Martinique. We are also creating a foundation for others in the same situation.

You are invited to join this call and participate in organizing and taking inspired action to help get Khasim medically transported and treated. We want to hear your voice, so please come and share new information, prayer, financial contribution, or any other way you are moved to contribute it welcome. 

Peace and Blessings,

Mike and Peter

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Listen to our 1st Organizing conference call

Hello everyone, 

We are excited about completing our very first organizing call.  In this call, a small group of my friends worked together to get clear and focused and to brainstorm on how to get my son transported as soon as possible.  We also talked about creating a foundation for other children who face these same circumstances.  Click play below to listen to what we came up with and how you can contribute.

Thank you for all your support, prayers, contributions and blessings,

Peter and Mike

P.S. Please share this with your friends, family on Facebook, Twitter, and through email. You can send them to www.Help4K.com

P.P.S. We want to hear from you. Post a comment and share. There is 3 ways we are asking you to contribute:

1.) Make a financial contribution by clicking donate below

2.) Make an informational contribution and contact us if you know of other resources or other ways you can contribute. Contact Peter at (919) 225-7989 or Mike at (760) 504-9631

3.) Make a prayer contribution for Khasim to receive the care he needs.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Dear friends,

 Monday Sept the 13th has made it 1 month since my son Khasim has been paralyzed. He is very strong and have a very positive attitude. After weeks of phone calls I have a final total which is exactly 21,110 Euro to get Khasim to Martinique to be treated and that's including the Flight back and fort from Dominica to Martinique. 21,110 Euro is $27,608 u.s Dollars. So far we have raise $3122, and are very thankful for all your prayers and donations. My goal is to do everything possible to have my son be able to work again very soon.
 I really want to give god thanks for giving me the strenght to deal with this. But this to shall pass. You know you never think some things will happen to you, but when they do it gives you a hole new outlook on life. You learn to appreciate your kids and friends and family even more. You really understand how fast things can change and how you deal with it makes all the difference.
 Once again thank you and I am thanking you in advance for all your support in this time.

Please share this with your friends through word of mouth, facebook, twitter, etc... tell them to go to

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Dear Friends,

  Monday September 13th has made it 1 month since my son Khasim has been paralyzed in the Island of
Dominica. He is very strong and he has a very positive attitude. After weeks and hours of phone calls I finally have an estimate and I am working to get Khasim treated as soon as possible. The total cost to get him to Martinique from Dominica is 21,110 Euro and in u.s Dollars it's $27,608 and that does include the treatment. He will be staying in Martinique for 10 days. So far we have raise $2498. We want to thank you all for your prayers and your generous donations and I will keep every one up 2 date.

 We never think this could happen to us but that's called LIFE and when things like this happens it all comes down to how you look at it. I really want to thank GOD for giving me the strength with this and I know this to shall pass. I know that WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

  Once again thank you for keeping my son in your prayers and thank you for all your donations.

    Peter Burton

P.S. Please share this with your friends, family on Facebook, Twitter, and through email. You can send them to www.Help4K.com

P.P.S. We want to hear from you. Post a comment and share. There is 3 ways we are asking you to contribute:

1.) Make a financial contribution by clicking donate below

2.) Make an informational contribution and contact us if you know of other resources or other ways you can contribute. Contact Peter at (919) 225-7989 email: peterparadise1@gmail.com or Mike at (760) 504-9631  email: Mike@ChangeYourLifeCoaching.com

3.) Make a prayer contribution for Khasim to receive the care he needs.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


First of all I want to sincerely thank all of you for your donations. So far Khasim has gotten the first treatment which has stopped the progression of the disease.  He's still unable to walk or move his lower body.  The doctors say that he still needs to be medically flown to Martinique or the US to have further test done and treatment which includes therapy so that he can recover.  We are thanking you for your donations.  Our short term goal is to raise $20,000 which will allow him to go to Martinique and be treated.  Our long term goal is to raise another $30,000 to pay medical bills.  So far we have raised $975.  No donation is to small.

If anyone has any information on any company that would medically fly him for less than $20,000 please contact me at help4khasim@gmail.com or you can call me 919-225-7989

Thank you for all your support and prayers.


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