Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Coming up we are having a FREE fundraiser training call this monday

Hello everyone,

Here is the Free Tele-seminar "Fundraising 101:  How to Start & Run a Successful Fundraiser" recording, click play below to listen - 10/18/10

Fundraising is an exchange of value. It is not a one way flow. Fundraising is part of an overall process towards achieving your goal. Keep in mind that fundraising should not be the end itself. Money is a tool to accomplish your goal. Nobody will give you money simply because... you need or want money. People will give you money because you are going to do something with it that touches or speaks to them in a powerful way.

There are 3 basic steps to follow in order to be successful at fundraising:

1.) You must make people aware of the problem.
2.) You must show people your plan.
3.) You must show people how their involvement is critical to the success of the plan.

In this Free 90-minute Tele-Seminar you will learn the 10 Steps to Start & Run a Successful Fundraiser:

1.) Determine the Purpose of what you want to accomplish in your Fundraiser
2.) Choosing the Type of Event or Theme for your Fundraiser
3.) Create a Clear description of your Fundraising Event
4.) Recruiting Assistants and Volunteers for your Fundraiser
5.) Establishing a Budget for your Fundraiser
6.) Creating a Time Line for the process of Your event
7.) Creating an Invite/Guest list (Target Market) for your Event
8.) Determining When & Where your event is held
9.) Choosing Entertainment & a Menu for Your Event
10.) Media & Advertising for your Event.

This Free Tele-Seminar will be taught by Linda Cameron. Linda is a Life Coach, Case Manager, and Career Specialist. What she does is build communities and connects people, and teaches other people how to do this. She has created awareness campaigns and organized Fundraisers to raise thousands of dollars for several organizations like: The American Diabetes Association, WPFW Community Radio, and Jena 6 Association to name a few.

We are offering this Free Tele-Seminar Training as a gift to you. We set this training up as a tool to teach people on our team the skills to hosting a successful Fundraiser. We decided to offer this training to everyone as a give-away and to bring awareness to a cause we are now working on called “Help for Khasim.” Khasim is a 15 year old boy who lives in Dominica and acquired Gullain Barre Syndrome. This is a life-threatening illness and he is in need of further medical treatment. Visit http://www.Help4K.com/ to learn more about how you can help. We encourage you to share this Tele-Seminar with someone you know who would be interested in learning how to create a successful fundraiser. We look forward to connecting with you on the call.

Peace and Blesssings,


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